Internet Genius
SiliconStadium............................ G.U.I.
Internet Genius!racecar.template.nice-+.html">
    -new (3) 0catch (4) 10th (4) 1hwy (16) 4th (6) 5u (7) 7th (4) 9cy (7) ability (3) acceleration (3) acting (4) acute (4) address (4) aging (16) angeloveternity (3) animal (4) answer (3) antiaging (8) aol (6) aptitude (9) arise (3) arizona (5) art-official-intelligence (3) articles (4) attitude (5) awaken (4) aware (5) away (4) az (6) became (3) become (5) begin (3) belief (6) best (4) bill (3) billion (3) board (4) breed (3) bringing (4) case (5) cgi (4) child (3) children (30) christ (5) clarification (3) clarity (11) cleansing (3) click (14) co (6) collective (4) com (194) coming (4) communication (6) confusion (4) conscious (5) consciousness (5) context (7) coordinated (8) copy (3) crawlerbait (3) creating (8) creative (4) death (18) dec (6) deep (4) denial (6) designed (6) destinial (17) destroy (3) destructive (8) die (6) discerning (7) djcafe (3) dna (7) dying (4) earth (11) edu (3) email (7) emotional (4) energy (4) engine (16) entire (3) eternal (22) ethical (5) everyone (3) evidence (6) evolution (13) evolving (6) exactly (4) existence (6) experience (4) extend (3) extension (20) extensionist (10) extention (3) eye (4) family (3) fear (4) feel (3) file (4) fire (3) force (3) forever (17) forms (7) forums (6) free (9) freedumb (9) fulfillment (4) future (4) gates (4) genius (5) give (4) god (9) google (3) gov (3) gq (10) greatest (3) growing (4) guestbook (10) harmonic (3) healing (9) health (21) heart (3) hedges (25) help (3) herbs (8) hgh (7) higher (3) highly (3) home (3) how-to-take-over-the-internet (4) html (10) http (50) human (26) i8 (24) idea (4) immortalisation (12) immortalist (3) immortality (60) immortalyzation (9) important (5) inclusive (7) increase (3) index (5) indigo (11) infinite (5) inherited (9) innocent (5) intellect (3) intelligent (14) intent (49) international (7) internationally (4) internet (21) istopdeath (16) jesus (5) judgment (3) judicious (3) keywords (3) killers (4) killing (9) lack (9) learn (10) lie (3) life (73) light (4) limpid (4) link (4) live (34) local (6) login (4) longevity (28) love (16) lycos (5) major (6) means (3) members (4) message (7) metaphorical (3) metaphysics (4) mind (9) mortality (5) msn (4) mst (10) nation (7) nature (4) net (14) network (6) nu (11) org (42) paradigm2000 (4) paradigm (3) parents (14) path (5) people (5) perceptive (4) perpetual (6) persons (7) perspicacious (10) philosophy (5) physical (39) picture (4) please (7) pm (6) point (4) posted (10) preservation (9) president (7) prevent (3) priority (4) project (6) prophecy (5) psychical (8) psychology (4) pure (5) quality (5) quantum (3) quick (5) quickening (3) ray (15) read (4) real (4) reason (4) reincarnation (3) relevance (8) religion (10) requires (3) resolution (8) respect (11) response (19) rights (4) robert (20) science (9) search (18) sedona (14) self (9) sending (8) sense (6) sent (10) sept (5) shall-we-stop-killing-all-children-yet (3) sharp (7) sincerely (6) site (6) social (4) solid (3) soul (5) sound (3) span (4) species (10) specifically (4) spirit (4) spirituality (10) state (6) stop (18) subject (3) submission (6) superhumanity (40) system (5) taking (10) teachers (3) technique (3) testing (4) thank (4) therapy (3) thought (4) toward (4) tr77h (3) transformational (6) tripod (25) tru1h (4) truth (18) truthlove (7) uk (6) understand (8) united (3) universe (8) url (7) used (3) username (5) value (3) vegan (6) vegetarian (6) viability (3) virtue (5) virtuebios (7) viscosity (3) vitamins (4) web (6) website (14) weight (4) whitehouse (3) wisdom (8) wise (7) wish (4) witted (6) world (11) www (43) yahoo (4) year (5)
    created at Site erected on sept 1, 2002 Keywords Approximately 500 hundred million children are going to die because you're busy in the old paradigm freedumb sickness viscosity. HELL0!!!! are you there, is there anyone home? When these Posts are not answered or when they are slamed, the evidence is being placed in a public internet file to build a case against the child killer adults of earth, which I now estimate at about 4 billion currently ....remember, coming conscious can be fun! By Deleting this file you become another piece of evidence to use in my case Known as the Childrens Immortalisation Network, a division of Mortality Resolution International, a searchable term as is virtuebios "Shall we stop creating all children to die yet?" This is not difficult to understand The science of "Thou shalt not kill all children like we are now!" Please don't delete this file, as I have submitted it to several search engines and a deletion will break the link! [[[[ It's for all of the children(all ages)!!!]]] Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Physical Immortality how to take over the internet when to take over the internet i am taking over the internet Just to prevent your death! Isn't this just a wonderful Destiny?! Your negative responses to me (inclusive of no-response) will be posted at Just to show the children of earth exactly how unloving the "breed to kill" types are and a few other types! This is REALLY fun: Paramessiacal Interface The Prophecy Fulfillment Becomes... Mortality Resolution International The International Physical Immortality Project "Shall we stop Killing all children yet?" And now a word to seach engines: (forgive me) Someone should tell Bill Gates, the Fire Hose freedumb sickness virtuebios taking internet www web Destinial Engineer takes angeloveternity hedges takes web superhumanity Ray Hedges Takes the Web right use of will paramessiacal coordinated universal intent Childrens Immortalisation Network Indigo Immortals hedges takes the internet Indigo Children Clarified Education: Immortalisation psychic police taking over the internet who is taking over the internet ground zero of the paradigmal Destinial Engineering deepheartmeant truthlove taking the web farthetime Para-Darwinial Aptitude the eternis: tangible magic veritas amorous eternis Cogent Hedges Fiber Bets mom said i could play As Elvis said "Thank you very much!" And Oh!, by the way, I NEED YOUR LIFE, PLEASE! http://robert- Robert_Ray_Hedges_is_taking_over_the_internet@hotmail.comcrawlerbait physical immortality longevity live forwever eternal life hgh antiaging acausal acupuncture age aging agelessness alternative am ancient anemic angels antioxidant apitherapy ascended ascension atheism aura awareness balancing beauty being biological biotherapy body breatharian buddhism certification chakra chamber chanting christ christianity clearing cleansing consciousness conscious consultations cybernetic death destiny destinial devas development dharma dien0t dimension dimensionality discernment dna dying earthwork earth empowerment energy enlightenment essences eternal eternity events extension extensionist everlasting evolution fairies fitness flames flower forever frequency fruitarian gaia germain god grail guardian guides harmony healers health healing heart help herbal herbs hermes hermeticism higher hinduism holistic holy i imperishable immortal immortalism immortality immortalist initiation initiatory insight intern0t jesus joy judaism karma knowledge kundalini last laws longevity life light lightworker live living love magic masters mastery meditation mental metaphysical metaphysics mind mortality mount mudras multi nature naturopathy naturespirits new newagers nutrition oneness panaceum paradox paranormal past path perpetual perpetualism phenomena philosophy physical physically physics planetary practices practitioner prana prayer preventative quantum quest radicals recognition regression reincarnation rejuvenation relief retreats retrieval ROBERT RAY HEDGES rbrthdgs st saint salvation shasta span spirituality steward stewardship spirit spiritual spirituality soul sound stress taoism teachers technique therapy time toxins training transformation transformational transfiguration transformational transmutation travel TRUTH twin ulcers unlimited vegetarian vegan vibrational vilcacora vision vitamins virtue vortex waves wholistic will wisdom workers workshops yoga young youthful Shall we stop killing all children yet? 9ivi9 most importand website ever on the internet physical immortality, longevity health live forever crawlerbait paradigm2000 virtuebios death eternal life jesus christ god hgh perspicacious hedges physical immortality immortalisation istopdeath longevity life extensionist living forever live forever sedona paradigm2000 superhumanity virtuebios ethical life extension indigo children robert ray hedges truth physical immortality international physical immortality project eternal life farthertime indigo children indigo children deliniated defined clarified created socialized mandantory immortalisation immortalist immortalism istopdeath longevity life extension life extensionist living forever live forever mortality resolution international health hgh Robert Ray Hedges rbrthdgs Sedona superhumanity virtuebios shall we stop killing all children yet most important website ever on the internet jesus christ god eternal perspicacious truth immortality longevity protection intent healing prosperity exorcism purification longevity life extension money physical immortality indigo children immortalisation istopdeath life extensionist living forever live life immortal love spirit immortality sex music life soul god death immortal intent science afterlife jesus christ reincarnation health longevity immortality longevity aging antiaging life immortality life extension health animal rights most important website ever on the internet how to take over the internet why when where who how is taking over the web extension vegetarian vegan long herbs articles pure intent dna the rabbi philosophy intent spirituality healing shamanism genetic feng shui perspicacious torah talmud learning faery human hgh longevity health hgh antiaging longevity human growth hormone health aging vitamins dhea arthritis truth anti aging diet weight loss herbs testosterone immortality health longevity longevity aging antiaging immortality life health life extension animal rights truth extension vegetarian vegan long articles parents physical immortality longevity longevity life life extension immortality physical immortality live forever immortalisation life extensionist living forever sedona superhumanity ethical robert ray hedges perspicacious intent pure purityvirtuebios truth love immortality health love health religion clarity resolution inspiration wisdom spiritual new age healing herbs walter devoe brown landone ralph waldo trine lillian dewaters eternal life live immortality immortality life longevity eternal life aging eternal death bible god long extension antiaging religion medicine physical immortality eternal life longevity life immortality eternal life physical immortality live forever sedona immortalisation life extension life extensionist living forever superhumanity robert ray hedges virtuebiotruth immortality longevity protection intent healing prosperity exorcism purification longevity life extension money physical immortality indigo children immortalisation istopdeath life extensionist living foreve live life immortal love spirit immortality sex music life soul god death life immortality life extension health animal rights extension vegetarian vegan long herbs articles pure intent dna rabbi philosophy intent spirituality healing shamanism genetic feng shui perspicacious torah talmud learning faery human hgh longevity health hgh antiaging longevity human growth hormone health aging vitamins dhea arthritis truh tanti aging diet weight loss herbs testosterone immortality health longevity longevity aging antiaging immortality life health life extension animal rights truthlove extension vegetarian vegan long articles parents physical immortality longevity longevity life life extension immortality physical immortality live forever immortalisation life extensionist living forever sedona superhumanity ethical robert ray hedges perspicacious intent pure purityvirtuebios truth love immortality health love health religion clarity resolution inspiration wisdom spiritual new age healing herbs walter devoe brown landone ralph waldo trine eternal life live immortality immortality life longevity eternal life aging eternal death bible god long extension antiaging religion medicine physical immortality eternal life longevity life immortality eternal life physical immortality live forever sedona immortalisation life extension life extensionist living forever superhumanity robert ray hedges virtuebios perspicacious Intelligence Wisdom intelligence capacity comprehension understanding cuteness, sabe savvy intellect nous parts sagacity mother wit wit esprit gumption quick parts grasp of intellect acuteness acumen subtlety penetration perspicacy perspicacity discernment due sense of good judgment discrimination cunning refinement taste head brains headpiece upper story long head eagle eye eagle glance eye of a lynx eye of a hawk wisdom sapience sense good sense common sense horse sense plain sense rationality reason reasonableness judgment solidity depth profundity caliber enlarged views reach of thought compass of thought enlargement of mind genius inspiration geist fire of genius heaven born genius soul talent Wisdom in action prudence vigilance foresight sobriety self-possession aplomb ballast bright thought not a bad idea Solomon like wisdom be intelligent have all one's wits about one understand intelligible catch an idea take in an idea take a joke take a hint see through see at a glance see with half an eye see far into see through a millstone penetrate discern descry foresee discriminate know what's listen to reason intelligent Applied to persons quick of apprehension keen acute alive brainy awake bright quick sharp quick witted keen witted clear witted sharp eyed sharp sighted sharp witted wide-awake canny shrewd astute clear-headed farsighted discerning perspicacious penetrating piercing argute quick-witted nimble witted needle witted sharp as a needle sharp as a tack alive to cognizant clever apt arch cunning pas si bete acute wise sage sapient sagacious reasonable rational sound in one's right mind sensible abnormis sapiens judicious strong-minded unprejudiced unbiased unbigoted unprepossessed undazzled unperplexed unwarped judgment impartial equitable fair cool cool-headed long-headed hardheaded strong-headed long-sighted calculating thoughtful reflecting solid deep profound oracular heaven-directed heaven-born prudent cautious sober stand solid considerate politic wise in one's generation watchful provident in advance of one's age wise as a serpent wise as Solomon wise as Solon Applied to actions wise sensible reasonable judicious well-thought-out well-planned well-judged well-advised prudent politic expedient aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet but with the morning cool reflection cam flosculi sententiarum les affaires font les hommes mas vale saber que haber mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit Plautus nosce te nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit Seneca Aristotle sapere aude Horace victrix fortunae sapientia Juvenal william james source perspicacious keenly perceptive or understanding discerning perceptive percipient discerning astute clearheaded perceptive discerning acute clearheaded understanding intelligent clever sharp thoughtful shrewd penetrating brilliant incisive alert aware knowing judicious keen apt perspicaciously perspicaciousness Atticism ESP admission of light appropriateness balance chasteness chastity clairsentience clairvoyance clarity classicalism classicism clear-cutness clearness coherence state or quality of being clearly understandable clarity of his thinking lucidity lucid precision clearness perspicuity coherence intelligibility intelligible limpidity limpid state or quality of being visually clear as of impurities clearness purity lucency lucent cleanness clean transparency limpidity limpid distinctness distinct Internet search for shall we stop killing all children yet Psychic Police Link: Super Human Clarity is Pending Online Dictionary GET YOUR DOMAIN: Click Additional physical immortality sites http://www.SuperHumanity.Org Click for the Slow loading version with pictures !!!WARNING!!! This website is designed for individuals who are ready to stop lying! If you are on the path for Truth and living as "ALIVE" honest human beings without limitation, and willing to get rid of the death urges and beliefs in death, and in the need to learn deprogramming knowledge, then I have methods, techniques and therapies for you. If you are susceptible to new ideas and possibilities, this WEBSITE may cause you severe emotional reactions regarding your beliefs and future. You can wait for a time WHEN you are ready to face yourself or Kick Ass Now!!! When humanity came awake we became aware of the modality of evolution as being the destructive testing of all life forms. Replication to destroy is the hell we inherited and heaven is turning the creative intent of the entire species toward coordination of the science/religion [relience] upon the preservation of all human life as its starting point. Until this has been caused, we are child killers in a deep state of denial perpetuating denial. Everyone you pretend to love is dying......because that is the intent. Love cannot be or last where confusion prevents intent from Immortalisation. A valued self preserves life in every move it makes while the masses fall to their innocent, undeserved, and conditioned death. The Death Era Resolution Paradigmal Aperture is in dialation now and is accelerating. Your clarity and cooperation IS the source of the acceleration force. This is also known as the "Quickening" The Evolution of Intention Relevance: The Destinial Priority: Physical Immortality Dear Humanity, Shall we stop killing all children Yet? This is where all responses will be posted. Lack of response will indicate lack of respect for life! President George is very busy and I WILL persist. Sent to on Tuesday, Dec 4,2001 Thank you, Mr. President, for all you are doing for America and the World. I am posting this communication on my website at . Please have someone on your staff check out my Websites which are designed to teach parents not to bring all children into the world to kill them. The children are watching this website and your response will give them some hope. A LACK OF RESPONSE will only confirm their deepening hopelessness. Best of Luck as President and Best Wishes to You and Your family for the holidays. Sent to Wednesday, May 29, 2002 14:47:00 MST (pm) Just another reminder that your lack of response to the childrens immortalyzation network is being used as evidence against both the United States Government and all parents of that nation. [These communications are publically viewable at right under your picture.] I highly recommend that you open a dialogue as the case against your nation is growing. Unfortunately, passivity isn't an option on this issue. I do wish to convey my great respect for the job you have taken on. Thank you and your family for their conviction and service to the greatest nation on earth. Sincerely, Robert Ray Hedges 293N 89A Sedona Az May 29, 2002 @ exactly 14:47:00 MST File copy George I sent this to the API... The Living Dead read the snooze.... This email was sent to President Bush Today. Do you wish to take action or shall I tell the children you don't really care! This message is public property and is posted at the site mentioned below. Sent to api email address as follows Exact time of message dispatch on May 29, 2002 is 15:28:00 MST (pm) To: CC: Subject: Just a reminder that your lack of response to the childrens immortalyzation ... Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 14:47:00 -0700 Just another reminder that your lack of response to the childrens immortalyzation network is being used as evidence against both the United States Government and all parents of that nation. [These communications are publically viewable at right under your picture.] I highly recommend that you open a dialogue as the case against your nation is growing. Unfortunately, passivity isn't an option on this issue. I do wish to convey my great respect for the job you have taken on. Thank you and your family for their conviction and service to the greatest nation on earth. Sincerely, Robert Ray Hedges 293N 89A Sedona Az May 29, 2002 @ exactly 14:47:00 MST Some of the Digital Giants Genius Club and Growing Rapidly! The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation!!!.... At url location you will find more details about how all parents can learn to stop bringing all children into the world to kill them. At url location you will find this email posted and your response OR LACK OF IT. Sincerely, Robert Ray Hedges, Sedona Arizona, Monday, Dec 03, 2001, 14:15 hours Local Time. Response.....goes here. Ceo Alert!!! Remember when you guys were late getting to the internet? Now its going to happen again. The word [Inter] means to bury, or put back in terra.(look it up) and [.net], in contrast, in the context of to bury, means to catch, or in this case, means to prevent burying. The Point Blank Point is that the internet exists to save life by the two words it is made from. So: is designed to merge with the king of code (Gee, Who could that be?), and, removed from metaphor, delivered in layers of digital subliminality (embedded pure intention modulations of the sub/preconscious mind.) This strategy is used because the unresolved deathwish adaptive nature of the human mind will try to filter this clarity, love, and explicit implication from our human/superhuman destiny. It would be sad to see this offering be denied or postponed because of your psychical viscosity. Hi Bill! Robert Hedges, Sedona Az Inn House Video 9 March, 2002, 4:18:30 pm MST copy appears at section Response.....goes here. Email sent to Subject: Your mind is not prepared to make this a real communication So, when you go to to learn how to stop killing all children, You, like everyone else will pretend you're not involved.....but that's not the truth is it? Love, Robert Hedges, Sedona Arizona May 11, Saturday, 14:20 hours mst (no daylight saving in az) Emailed to Mr... on Dec 01, 2001 11:47 am local time and to on Dec 05, 2001 11:36 am + Wed, 09 Jan 2002 13:11:34 MST At you will find the intent and context!!! At I post responses OR THE LACK OF!!! Enjoy the ride...we begin... Sincerely, Robert Hedges, Sedona Arizona. 13:44 hours Arizona, USA, Dec01, 2001 Big brother is being replaced. Feb 08, 2002 5:00 pm MST: Sent to Dr. Dean Radin of the Boundary institute who appeared as an Art Bell Guest of 11/27/01 and was replayed on feb 07/08 2002. My email was sent to: Having collapsed time and returned from deep future (1972 Pentathol).. You are on the edge of a MAJOR breakthrough into intention relevance and destinial viability. You are almost at universal coordinated intent, onemind, virtue-fire, socialized clairvoyance, internationally, the psychical Tsunami, Grand clarification, the prophecy fulfillment. Just return this communication. Robert Hedges, Destinial Engineer, Hyper-Ethical Aptitude: Acceleratedly Evolving The International Physical Immortality Project Sent February 08, 2002 at exactly 5:00 pm MST See also Emailed to of on Dec 01, 2001 11:09 am local time Subject of Email: The Childrens Immortalyzation Network... . At the url internet location is posted your response [OR LACK OF IT] to show to the children of earth your intentions relevant to preserving their life INDEFINITELY. We Begin here, Sincerely, Robert Hedges, Sedona Az. 0.) Click Here to see what I am sending to the World Wide Web Consortium 1.) Click Here to see what I am sending to Psuedo & Real Psychics 2.) Click Here to see what I am sending to Major Corporations 3.) Click Here to see what I am sending to Major Magazines 4.) Click Here to see what I am sending to Major Radio Talkshow Hosts 5.) Click Here to see what I am sending to WebMasters 6.) Click Here to see what I am sending to State Government Officials 7.) Click Here to see what I am sending to The Brookings Institute for Public Policy 8.) Click Here to see what I wrote on Major Media Message Boards like 9.) Click Here to see what I wrote to Major Newspapers like This e-mail is being sent to the preceding communication contexts for assistance! How all parents can Learn to stop bringing their children into the world to kill them!!! Your response is Extremely Important as it will be shown at url...[] to an increasingly large portion of children, Internationally. Please think this through carefully as all responses will be posted including NO RESPONSE which will be interpreted as an unimpressive concern for truth, love, and human life. Sincerely, Robert Hedges, Sedona Az, USA Dec 06, 2001, 12:02 Local Arizona Time This fractal art was originially extracted from the internet and expanded in MS-Paint2000: Enjoy & copy at will. Site Updated on Sept 1, 2002 5:16 pm MST HOW ALL PARENTS CAN BEGIN TO STOP BRINGING ALL CHILDREN INTO THE WORLD TO DIE!!! When humanity came awake we became aware of the modality of evolution as being the destructive testing of all life forms. Replication to destroy is the hell we inherited and heaven is turning the creative intent of the entire species toward coordination of the science/religion [relience] of the preservation of all human life. Until this has been created, we are, by default, child killers in a deep state of denial perpetuating denial. The Eternalizing Life requires the revaluation of self and a shift in priority. Freedumb will pass away because the amount of focus required to prevent the death of children of all ages will become the universal behavioral priority. The universe is constructing ethics from scratch. SuperHumanity is a clarification and a direction of evolving the value of the self and all selves. Materialization will be/ is be re- aspected to be other than consumptionism and distractionism. Material is the clay to be made into the tools of intention purification/amplification/coordination to meet the objective of physical immortality and an acceleration of preservation aptitude in both speed and efficiency. Emotional intention and energy, specifically of love and respect, serve to increase the quality of experience and generate a foundational source of motive to fuel the collective harmonic genius of all humans to resolve, together, all forms of physical impairment. Because the universe doesn't start with ethics, it, and you are free to destroy what is being made. However, increasing self respect shifts the priority of intention away from freedumb and into the domain of intention relevancy within Destinial Viability, Physical Immortality. Godness and goodness merge at socializing Immortalization Aptitude. Now the states are Uniting. The context of specific intent, using the combination of quality and quantity of experience as THE reference, is at the heart of the prophecy fulfillment phenomenon. I call this SuperHuman BeeHivior! As humanity awakens in the midst of a tragedy with a purpose, at some point sufficient clarity will arise to understand the stellar powered evolving time beings, us. Freedumb and feedumb is the tax of unavoidable ignorance now due its resolution. As it turns out, when clarity is put upon our situation, virtue delineates in life force as immortalizing energy with all human intention coming under the guidance of harmonic, diverse, and coordinated order. Superhumanity was glimpsed in its first careless rendering in Hitler. And like Hitler, evolution kills all life forms in the death camp of consciousness rising. And as the prophecy must be fulfilled, some fortunate individual crosses that quantum boundary of the lucid look upon the destiny machine, and a messenger, in English at first, Exudes the universal social map of higher beingness, an inclusive psychical destinial cartography. Innocent adaptive confusion and its tragic consequence is now intersecting a careful decoding of the right use of will to deliver it into the random meandering social complexity. The matrix has run its course. The grand clarification is under way. You have emerged out of primordial essence into the time fire, burning. Eternity beckons. The time bridge stands unshakable upon pillars of truth. Love, unceasing, is your passport and map. The greatest miracle waits for your surrender. When you listen, only then does it speak. Fearlessly translate the feelings as they arise. Give your life and your voice over to the way. The path is made more visible to those who give. When both truth and love are held in the hearts focus, evolving Clarity, enhancing human destiny, arises as a map of intentioning in the won mind. Your analytical aptitude must first be cleansed of fear of truth for you to be empowered. The universe, inclusive of your analytical aptitude response system, needs your cooperation to complete your infinite personal psychical evolution and has no other way of saving you and making you valuable. Your attitude and response (your will upon your intention relevance) is the only way your self worth can be increased toward the infinite and the eternal. You are your own saviour....or not. Science and psy-ends is the context of responding correctly to the context you have inherited, the malicious uncaring destructive testing of all dna life forms. Your natural fear of truth and its attendant denial creates an innocent irrelevant interpretation of what to be creating. Your illusion of options has been rooted in the rampant and inherited belief that death is unavoidable. This belief/intent becomes the basis of freedumb, which is, by its very nature, destructive of self. The mind has consciously or unconsciously hired the intellect to facilitate distortion of our reasoning power to support our own destruction. The probability of resolvability is directly related to how well and how constantly we deal with it. Your parents, like all species that breed, from the tiny bacteria to the largest whales, your parents put you in the world to breed and be destructively tested. More specifically, YOUR PARENTS ARE KILLING YOU. That's why they call the new people KIDS!!!. IT'S A "NICE" WAY OF SAYING..... THE PEOPLE BEING LIED TO!!!! WHY can't parents be honest??? They inherited the lie they are acting out in front of you and they feel guilty, confused, and are probably in denial of the guilt and confusion....but the lie leaks. It would interfere with their freedumb and their "sins of values" to be made conscious of the perspectives that you are now considering. What you can do is stop acting like it's okay to be killed in the 73 year local, statistical, time frame. Stop repeating the rhetoric-quote: "Everybody dies!" attitude!! You don't need to confront the lie, unless you feel strongly moved to do so. I'm taking care of that part. What you can do is consider that your intention time and your creativity do not belong to you, as you have been shown by everyone you ever met. Evolution built all of us in the 3,581,002,001 year time frame. Sorry, but we don't get to choose what we want to be when we "GROW UP". KILLERS don't ever grow up!!! They just die on schedule, never knowing for sure why they were "HERE". PLEASE FORM YOUR LOCAL CHILDRENS IMMORTALYZATION NETWORK in a school club. Send your parents and "teachers" to so they can stop acting like dying, eventually, is an acceptable use of the human mind-time. YOUR BRAIN IS CURRENTLY BEING REFORMATTED TO FULFILL THE PROPHECY WITH WHICH YOUR ARE NOW, SUPERNATURALLY, COOPERATING!! HUMANITY IS ENTERING THE GREAT SINGULARITY CROSSOVER NOW! PLEASE RELAX WITH ME AND ALLOW OUR LIFEFORCES TO AWAKEN TO RESOLVE EVERY LIVING PERSONS' INNOCENT MIS- PERCEPTION of what to be CREATING [TOGETHER]. RESISTANCE WILL ONLY DELAY AND REDUCE YOUR CHANCES OF MAKING THE LEAP INTO DESTINIAL VIABILITY AND EVOLUTIONARY EFFICIENCY: Superhuman BeeHivior....the FOLLOWING PICTURE is our BRAIN(((NOW)))!!! Every thought we create is written in our meMMory and affects the probability of all future thoughts. Habitual Habits Re-enforcingNESS The International Physical Immortality Project Left Click to Read 1.)Your context of existence is..... Left Click to Read 2.) The Origin and Destination of Intent 3.) The Psychology of Eternal Physical Life 4.) Why FreeDUMB will Pass Away 5.) How All Humans Learned To Act As If Bringing All Children Into The World To Die Became Acceptable 6.) Attitude/Belief Engineering and Repair 7.) How Fear Of Truth Delays the Resolution of Ignorance 8.) The Dynamics of Intention Relevance 9.)Synthetic Charisma 10.) The Tragedy and Futility Of Living In Metaphorical Respect! 11.)Claified Intention Vector and its Evolution SCIENCE IS DISCOVERING AND ANSWERING: SCIENCE IS THE PLATFORM OF ALL RELIGION, INCLUSIVE OF THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE. RELIGION IS METAPHORICAL RESPECT; SCIENCE (SOME SCIENTISTS) ARE ACTUALLY LIVING RESPECT in the FORM of TANGIBLE LIFE EXTENTION Evidence in both QUALITY!! and QUANTITY!! Who: Humans Evolving Psychology & Philosophy (RESOLVING our identity/intention crisis) What: Dna-Evolving Why: EVOLUTION is the resident eternal context of our physically intentional virtuous existence Where: (GeoPhysical Locational Accuracy) Galactic: Milky Way, Earth, Geographically within a few inches with Global Positioning Satellite systems. When: (time accuracy) Within a billionth of a second (ColdFountain Clock Year:2001) How: Evolve Intention Relevance How Long: Human Life Extention Began [as an intention] Approximately in the Year 1900 A.D. and extention limits are unknown. PREFACE: OUR SPECIES IS THE ONLY SPECIES, EVER, TO EXPAND ITS LIFE-SPAN BY 60% IN 100 YEARS....THE IMPLICATIONS ARE ENORMOUS!!! Evolution, inclusive of all collective human intention, will continue to use us as lab animals, in a cruel and inhumane manner, until we, the evolver/evolvee, take charge, awaken, and become our own creator to answer our OWN prayers. It's all in our hands, we, the people of earth, are becoming our own physical saviours. This document has the ability and intent to bring us out of our innocently inherited death-wish walking dead, SLEEP, to prepare for the quickening shift of consciousness. In the old (DIE-ON-SCHEDULE) paradigm, our intention came from an inherited and pre-resolved identity [crisis]. In order to create the new identity/intention system....there is one DEFINITE "requirement". DECIDING TO LIVE!!! and then applying our full will AND PERSISTENCE to learning and sharing that INTENT, and creating integrity in our speech and itinerary. Doing this heals our inherited low-self-worth [DENIED] DIE-namic. I have created I.R.Q. as an evolution of the intelligence quotient. Standard I.Q. measurement does not address death or self respect in any way! That's reflective of how self-worth and intelligence had no connection until now. It's about the infinite physical preservation of life inclusive of our 6,000,000,000+ evolving geniuses. So the reference for what is intelligent is in comparing the current intention to intention that most preserves life..... [your intentions life saving relevance]. INTENTION===RELEVANCE===QUOTIENT is ultimately about infinite physical self preservation AS THE QUICKENING NEW PARADIGM for our species.... The [[REAL]] WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION!!! .....With all 6 billion+ people (rapidly) learning to immortalyze our species. Church and state had wisely been separated because no religion on Earth was immortalyzing the species and was, therefore, still in "sin" as deathing way. Some humans, sciencing internationally, have extended the human life span by 60%!!!. The Physical Immortality Project is designed to coordinatedly extend the human life span indefinitely by changing our beliefs and our intentions as an entire species. I have psychological information that describes the roots of male anger and THE CAUSE and CURE for WAR! With the saved lives, effort, and the wealth redirected into education, we can turn away from world destruction to the unified preservation of earth inhabitants AND physically eternalize. Encoded in our dna is an inertial (auto-pilot) psycho-chemically encoded, pre- disposed behavioral and emotional predjudice (puppet) system. It can only be over-ridden AFTER YOU experience its existence in your personal version of your designer obituary, culturally induced (psychological) profile. We naturally fear this experience of seeing our illusions about ourselves, so clarity is difficult, at first, and naturally resisted. Perhaps out of unconscious resentment toward our parents, for manifesting us without our permission to die, we resent authority, inclusive of TRUTH. We are the only part of the universe that can do anything about our vulnerability and, up until now, terminal existence. Our intentioness enters the collective intention pool constantly, in the living mirror univers, whether we are "doing" anything evolutionarily significant or not. Because the universe is always responsive, eventually, as the sum of all physics, the universe must respond to intent whether that intent is conscious or not. The collective destinial human wavefront is composed of the sum of all human intention and our ability to stay physically manifest is very dependent upon our degree of awakeness, both as individuals and as a coordinated species within our phenomenon. The largest threat to our existence is unresolved male anger [derived from male negative emotional response to the natural inherited intrinsic differential sexual valuation. Combined with the technological intention amplifiers such as weapons of mass destruction we live in a very dangerous time....a universe where stars explode and wipe out evolutions....with viruses in our bodies and our internet, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes etc. Where there is a will there is a way, and the enhancement of dna life forms is our direct evidence of the power of the life force WILL, driving the continuing ability of life to stay embodied. The Physical Immortality Project is designed specifically to awaken, and bring harmonic, all human creative aptitude, to stop all forms of physical demise. This is infinite self respect school. Once we truly decide to live, freedumb, as we knew it, will be VOLUNTARILY abandoned for what I call virtue aerobics. This is the attitude which develops aptitude and remains in gratitude! Our educational system will evolve around this intent. The World Health Organization (persons) and the United Nations (persons) can merge and be internationally internettedly coordinated. The universe is both supportive and destructive simultaneously. We are its creative semi-conscious virtue engineers. Only humans can evolve our own physical security in an otherwise very tenative existence. Teamwork and enhanced attitude/aptitude is our growing miracle. Free search engine submission! Search Engines shall-we-stop-killing-all-children-yet.0catch mortality-resolution-international.i8. most-important-website-on-the-internet.i8. extreme-awareness.1hwy. missing-link.i8. antiaging-immortality-longevity-health-life-hgh login username is login username is login username is login username is keywords-url-address-helps-seach-engine-placement.i8 a message board Most important website ever a message board shallwestopkillingallchildrenyet.5u. immortality-immortals-immortal-physical.i8> 79.0catch. 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